How To Tie the Highwayman’s Hitch


  • Highwayman’s Hitch
  • Camping Knots
  • Bushcraft Knots
  • Scout Knots
  • Quick Release Knot
  • Adjustable Knots
  • Tumble Hitch
  • Mooring Hitch

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The Highwayman’s Hitch is a quick-release knot designed for situations where you need to secure a rope temporarily but want the ability to release it instantly with a single tug. Historically rumored to be used by highwaymen for swift getaways on horseback, this knot excels in providing a secure hold that can be undone in a heartbeat. It's perfect for camping, boating, and any scenario where speed and efficiency are paramount.

Why Learn the Knot?

Learning the Highwayman’s Hitch gives you the advantage of a fast, reliable, and easily releasable knot. Whether you're docking a small boat, setting up a tarp, or need a quick-release mechanism for gear, this knot is a go-to. It's especially useful when you need to untie a knot from a distance or when time is of the essence.

Common Uses

  • Camping and Bushcraft:
    • Securing tarps or tents quickly.
    • Setting up quick-release guylines for shelters.
    • Temporarily tying down gear or equipment.
    • Creating adjustable clotheslines or hammock setups.
  • Scouts:
    • Demonstrating quick-release knots for educational purposes.
    • Setting up tents or equipment that require rapid deployment or takedown.
    • Learning knot efficiency and safety in scouting activities.
  • Sailing and Marine:
    • Temporarily mooring small boats or dinghies.
    • Securing kayaks while getting in or out.
    • Quick-release docking when solo sailing.
  • Household:
    • Tying items during moving or storage that may need to be released quickly.
    • Garden applications like securing plants or temporary structures.



ABOK Number 

(Ashley Book of Knots) 
  • The Highwayman’s Hitch is not specifically listed in The Ashley Book of Knots but is commonly taught in knot-tying circles for its practical utility.

    Other Names

    • Highwayman’s Cutaway
    • Dick Turpin's Knot
    • Highwayman’s Getaway
    • Boat Hitch
    • Quick Release Hitch
    • Bank Robber's Knot


    Quick Release Knot


    Notable Features

    • Quick Release: Can be untied instantly with a single pull of the working end.
    • Temporary Hold: Provides a secure hold that is ideal for short-term applications.
    • Ease of Tying: Can be tied quickly without needing the end of the rope (tied on the bight).
    • Adjustability: Allows for easy adjustment of tension before finalizing the knot.
    • Non-Jamming: Does not bind under load, making it easy to release even after bearing weight.

    Similar Knots

    Tumble Hitch vs. Highwayman’s Hitch

    • Pros: More secure, also offers quick-release capability.
    • Cons: Slightly more complex to tie, and release may not be as instantaneous.

    Siberian (Evenk) Hitch vs. Highwayman’s Hitch

    • Pros: Quick-release under tension, excellent in cold weather.
    • Cons: Slightly more complicated to tie for beginners.


    The Highwayman’s Hitch is a fun knot steeped in folklore! It was allegedly used by 18th-century English highwaymen like Dick Turpin for tying up their horses, allowing for a swift escape after their heists. While there’s no direct historical evidence to confirm this, the instant one-pull release makes it a likely choice!

    Security Level

    The Highwayman’s Hitch provides a moderate level of security suitable for temporary applications. It's reliable under light to moderate loads but should not be trusted in critical situations where failure could lead to injury or significant loss.


    • Unintentional Release: Accidental tugging on the working end can cause the knot to fail unexpectedly.
    • Limited Load Capacity: Not suitable for heavy loads or critical applications.


    1. Create a bight in the rope and place it behind the object you're attaching to.
    2. Make a second bight and pass it through the first bight from front to back.
    3. Snug the second bight inside the first, holding it in place.
    4. Make a third bight with the working end and pass it through the second bight.
    5. Pull the standing part to tighten.
    6. To Release: Simply pull on the working end, and the entire knot will unravel instantly.


    What is the Highwayman’s Hitch used for?

    It is used for temporarily securing a rope with the ability to release it quickly.

    Is the Highwayman’s Hitch secure?

    Yes, for light to moderate loads, but not for critical applications.

    Can the Highwayman’s Hitch be used for climbing?

    No! It should never be used for load-bearing applications.

    How does it compare to the Tumble Hitch?

    The Tumble Hitch is more secure under load but slightly harder to release quickly.

    Important Notes on Safety

    The Highwayman’s Hitch is a quick-release knot, so ensure the working end won’t be tugged accidentally. This knot is for temporary, light-duty applications and should never be used in life-critical situations.

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