How to Tie the Slipped Buntline Hitch



The Slipped Buntline Hitch is a quick-release knot ideal for securing loads temporarily. It is commonly used in sailing, camping, and general utility applications where a reliable yet easily releasable knot is needed.

Why Learn the Slipped Buntline Hitch?

This knot provides a compact and secure solution with the added convenience of a quick release. It is particularly useful for situations where frequent tying and untying are necessary.

Common Uses

  • Boating/Marine:
    • Securing ropes to rings and cleats.
    • Temporary mooring lines.
  • Camping: Attaching tarps and ridgelines to trees.
  • Utility Work: Tying animals to posts or fences.



ABOK Number 

(Ashley Book of Knots) 
  • #397

    Other Names

    • Quick Release Buntline


    Hitch Knots
    Quick-Release Knots


    Notable Features

    • Quick Release: Easily untied with a firm pull on the free end.
    • Compact and Reliable: Holds securely under load but can be undone quickly when needed.
    • Non-Jamming: Less prone to jamming compared to standard Buntline Hitch.


    Buntline Hitch vs. Slipped Buntline Hitch

    • Buntline Hitch: More permanent and secure.
    • Slipped Buntline Hitch: Offers the advantage of quick release.

    Similar Knots

    Buntline Hitch vs. Slipped Buntline Hitch

    • Pros: Very secure and compact.
    • Cons: Difficult to untie after heavy load.

    Highwayman’s Hitch vs. Slipped Buntline Hitch

    • Highwayman’s Hitch: Similar quick-release functionality but less secure.
    • Slipped Buntline Hitch: More compact and reliable under load.

    Farrimond Friction Hitch (024)

    • Pros: Adjustable and easy to untie.
    • Cons: Less secure for heavy loads.


    The Slipped Buntline Hitch is a variation of the Buntline Hitch, originally used in the age of sail to secure buntlines to the foot of square-rigged sails. Its slipped form has gained popularity for its convenience in quick-release applications.

    Security Level

    The Slipped Buntline Hitch offers moderate security but should not be used in critical applications where failure could result in serious consequences.


    • Can Slip: Under heavy or dynamic loads.
    • Requires Proper Tightening: To avoid accidental release.


    1. Pass the rope end around the object.
    2. Make a complete turn around the standing end.
    3. Form a bight with the working end.
    4. Pass the bight through the formed loop.
    5. Tighten the knot securely.


    What is the Slipped Buntline Hitch used for?

    It is used for securing loads with the option of a quick release.

    How does it compare to the standard Buntline Hitch?

    The Slipped Buntline Hitch provides easier untying but slightly less security.

    Can it be untied easily?

    Yes, pulling the free end releases the knot instantly.

    Is it suitable for climbing?

    No, it should not be used for life-critical applications.

    Important Notes on Safety

    Always ensure the Slipped Buntline Hitch is tied correctly and secured tightly before use. Avoid using it in high-stakes situations requiring maximum security.

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