How to Tie the Simple Simon Bend



The Simple Simon Bend is great for joining two ropes when you need a strong connection that won’t easily slip. It’s especially handy for working with slippery or synthetic ropes and finds frequent use in camping, bushcraft, and utility tasks.

Why Learn the Simple Simon Bend?

It’s practical for joining ropes of different or similar sizes. Quick to tie, easy to untie, and dependable, it’s the kind of knot you’ll want in your skillset for outdoor activities, camping, or securing gear when slippery ropes need to stay connected.

Common Uses

  • Camping and Bushcraft:
    • Joining slippery ropes for extended length.
    • Securing lines for tents or tarps.
  • Sailing:
    • Connecting mooring or rigging lines.
    • Joining ropes for towing or docking.
  • Utility and Everyday Use:
    • Extending ropes for hauling or lifting.
    • Temporary rope repairs.



ABOK Number 

(Ashley Book of Knots) 

  • #1452 (p. 269)


    Other Names

    • Slippery Rope Bend





    Notable Features

    • High Strength: Holds securely under tension.
    • Versatile: Works with different rope types, including synthetic and natural fibers.
    • Compact Design: Minimal bulk makes it practical for tight spaces.
    • Easy to Untie: Can be undone without excessive effort, even after bearing a load.

    Similar Knots

    Double Fisherman’s Knot vs Simple Simon Bend

    • Pros: Extremely strong and secure; great for critical load applications.
    • Cons: Harder to untie, especially after bearing heavy loads.

    Zeppelin Bend vs Simple Simon Bend

    • Pros: Extremely secure and easy to untie.
    • Cons: Slightly more complex to tie.

    Vice Versa Bend vs Simple Simon Bend

    • Pros: Secure and reliable for joining slippery ropes.
    • Cons: Can take slightly more time to tie correctly.

    Sheet Bend vs Simple Simon Bend

    • Pros: Quick to tie and works well with ropes of different diameters.
    • Cons: Less secure under heavy loads.


    The Simple Simon Bend is a relatively modern knot, developed to address the need for a simple yet strong method of joining ropes. It has gained popularity among outdoor enthusiasts and professionals for its effectiveness with modern synthetic ropes, which can be challenging to secure with traditional bends.

    Security Level

    The Simple Simon Bend is highly secure when tied properly, offering excellent resistance to slipping, even with smooth or synthetic ropes. It’s suitable for most general-purpose applications but may not be ideal for life-critical scenarios.


    • Time-Consuming: Slightly more time-consuming to tie than simpler bends.
    • Careful Tightening Required: May require careful tightening to ensure maximum security.
    • Limited Familiarity: Not widely known, which can make it less practical in team settings.

    Structure (Step-by-Step Instructions)

    1. Lay the two rope ends parallel to each other, overlapping slightly.
    2. Create a loop with the first rope end, passing it around and under the second rope.
    3. Wrap the working end of the first rope around both ropes and through the loop, forming a knot.
    4. Repeat the process with the second rope end, mirroring the first knot.
    5. Pull both standing parts to tighten the knots evenly.
    6. Ensure the knots are snug and secure before use.


    What is the Simple Simon Bend used for?

    It’s used for joining two ropes securely, especially when working with synthetic or slippery ropes.

    Is the Simple Simon Bend better than the Double Fisherman’s Bend?

    While the Double Fisherman’s Bend is more secure, the Simple Simon Bend is easier to untie and works well for non-critical applications.

    Can this knot handle heavy loads?

    Yes, it’s designed to hold strong under tension, but it’s not recommended for life-critical uses like climbing.

    What types of ropes work best with this knot?

    It works well with both synthetic and natural fiber ropes, including slippery materials.

    How do I ensure the Simple Simon Bend doesn’t slip?

    Tighten both knots evenly and ensure the wraps are snug against each other.

    Important Notes on Safety

    The Simple Simon Bend is a reliable choice for general-purpose rope joining but should not be used for life-critical applications such as climbing or rescue. Always inspect the knot before use and test its security under load. For maximum safety, consider alternative bends for high-stakes scenarios.

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